What Should I Learn to Become a Web Developer

Many students ask this question that what should they learn to become a web developer. They actually want to create their own sites or want to learn how to create websites. I am also a web developer and designer. So I decided to share the most important things that you should know to create your own websites.

What Languages You Should Know to Become a Web Developer

Although web development is not a small field now but in a basic level, you should learn these languages :

  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • SQL /MySQL

These 5 are the most important things because without knowing these you will not be able to create a completely dynamic website. But furthermore, there are two separate fields in web development if you are working with big software house, they keep web designer and web developer separately and hire them who are well experienced in their specific field.

Learn If you want to become a Web Designer

If you want to become a professional web designer not a developer then you should have a creative mind, knowing the tricks to choose and matching color schemes. For web designers, these things are necessary to learn.

Photoshop / Illustrator

This software is used to create and edit designs. Designers make designs and layouts in Photoshop and then publish them using HTML and CSS codes. This software are also used to design logos and banners etc.

Html and HTML5

HTML is compulsory for creating a website layout. All webpages are created in Html. HTML5 is a new version which has new features especially for dynamic websites Although HTML5 is not compatible with old browsers the designer should know how to create cross browsers compatibility.

CSS and CSS3

CSS is also compulsory to design a web page. We implement all designs in CSS. CSS3 is the latest version of CSS which has some great features like border-radius, shadow effects, transitions and many more which was created in JavaScript and flash in the past.


This is client-side language which is necessary to learn. sometimes work is not completed without using JavaScript. If you want to become a good web designer then I will suggest you learn this language too. It is not very difficult as this name. Also, keep in mind that Java and JavaScript are two different languages not the same.

Jquery (Libraries of JavaScript)

Jquery makes the revolution in web designing field, it makes the code of JavaScript shorter and we easily used it in our websites to give them a professional look. We create sliders, attractive menu navigation, tabs and much more in Jquery


Ajax is another language that is used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data from a server in the background without refreshing the display and behavior of the existing web page. It is mostly used in big websites.


SEO Experts Guide – Solution Might Be Easy

First, you need to know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is and is it possible to improve your business with it.

Before everything else you have to understand the concept of Search Engine Optimization, known as SEO and what it is all about. The simple explanation for this would be that SEO is just a process, which helps us increase the quality and volume of traffic pointed to your website. The source of traffic is usually coming from search engines as organic or search results. This is where SERP comes into play. SERP is the short term for Search Engine Result Page. So a basic understanding of this would be: higher your company’s SERP is, the more traffic you get.

An SEO consultant is the one who is considering what are people searching for and how search algorithms work. This is later used as a marketing strategy, which helps you increase site’s relevance. Process of SEO is involving site structure, site coding, site presentation, content writing and other problems. All these have to be done to ensure that search engines are indexing your website. Site not getting indexed is resulting in low rankings and visibility. This is why it is important to take the SEO Experts Guide seriously and make sure that your business website is indexed by search engines.

Agencies and consultants are also referring to the term “SEO” as Search Engine Optimizer. They are the ones that are assigned to carry out the process of search engine optimization on behalf of their clients. Not all of them are using the same SEO methodology as SEO Experts Guide, but they are all trying to achieve the same results. The main goal is high organic rankings for their client’s websites. You need to take SEO Experts Guide in mind even while developing and designing website. Look at the architecture of the website, make sure that all is as it should be before you start with the SEO process.

Your Business using SEO as a Marketing Strategy?

What do you get from using SEO Experts Guide as your business’s marketing strategy? The main goal of SEO Experts Guide is to drive targeted traffic to our business website. Searchers are always searching for the most relevant results. This is why it is so important to get your website to the top of the SERP for relevant keywords. The higher you rank, the more traffic you get.

SEO is usually the main strategy, but many companies use PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising on search engines to bring up the traffic. The best option in my mind is using both. This will increase your traffic and by that even profit. If you are just starting your business and can’t afford both, then you should use one of them. I would go with SEO! Remember, testing, testing, testing… is crucial if you wish to find your way up. Don’t be afraid to set up different analytic programs and measure the site’s conversion rate. This way you will improve your success for sure.

SEO Benefits for Your Businesses

Let us put it together now… There is a lot of ways your business can benefit from SEO. I have prepared a small list of benefits your business can get from SEO Experts Guide and services.

You will be able to drive more targeted traffic, which means that SEO will increase the number of visitors, which are searching for a particular service or product.

Branding is important when it comes to building a successful business. SEO Experts Guide can help you with that. You will be able to get a high international profile and a bigger awareness of your brand. This can be used for optimizing any kind of related products or services. Brand, Brand, Brand… In the end, this is what makes a difference.

24/7 marketing! Using SEO you get site exposure 24 hours per day, which is proven to be a great marketing strategy.

An increasing number of sales. Bringing more traffic using SEO can reflect as higher sales rate.

If your company’s website is listed on top of search results, then your PPC advertising cost will get lower because of your high ranking visibility.

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO – Which one to choose

When we talk about Search Engine Optimization, there are two different ways of doing it, one is so-called White Hat SEO and the other is Black Hat SEO.

White Hat SEO is known as good practice and it is recommended by search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing…). On the other hand, we have Black Hat SEO, this technique is not approved by search engines. All SEO consultants will advise you to go with the white hat if you wish for long-lasting results. If you are thinking about getting your website to rank high as fast as possible, then the black hat is the right solution, but I would not recommend it. Why? The reason is that your website will get banned sooner or later when search engines get you at what are you doing. Well, this should get you thinking… To ensure that results you are getting are going to last it is quite important to know if SEO service provider is using the best practices and following guidelines provided by search engines.

White hat SEO is a technique, which is user-orientated (creating and providing content for users) and is not made for search engines only. This content should not be blocking search engine spiders, but it should be easy to access by them. So, if you wish to stay on the safe side, you should consider creating relevant content for your targeted audience. Relevance is valued by search engines, which will be shown on your rankings. If your website is providing the content that is relevant and it is what searchers are looking for, then your site will be ranked higher in search engines organic listings.

Black hat SEO is usually a technique that involves some techniques which are disapproved by search engines and are attempting to rank sites higher (usually trying to create deception). One of the commonly used black hat strategies is the use of the hidden text. What is this “hidden text”? This is the text that is located off-screen or is colored similar/the same as the background of the website. Another widely spread technique is cloaking. This is when one page is loaded if the page is accessed by a human and the other page is loaded when the site is accessed by search engine spiders.

Websites, which are using black hat techniques will get penalized by search engines. This will be reflected as a drop-down in their rankings or even complete elimination from their database. This mistake is not good for your business because you will lose a lot of free organic traffic for major key phrases, while your competition will enjoy in it and their high rankings. Search engines don’t care how big or how famous is your company and this can be proven by infamous example. In February 2006 Big G (Google) has removed BMW (Germany) from its database. Why? This move was made because they were using black hat search engine optimization techniques to achieve higher rankings. Later, the company was eventually restored in Google’s database, as they have apologized and cleaned up/removed the offending pages.